Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Hallo Leute!
Halfway done with this transfer which means only 3 more weeks until I'm done being trained!! Yay! Though I will still be being trained for the rest of my mission, it will be nicer not to have the label on me.
This week we did a split with the Sister Training Leaders, so that meant that Sister T went to Hamm with Sister Alves and Sister Litster came to Dortmund with me! I took over the area for the first time. Which basically resulted in me having to navigate all of Dortmund and make sure we were following our schedule, lead the lesson, and be in charge of our 10000000 year-old phone. But surprisingly we didn't get lost once (I always get lost) and we followed our schedule exactly. I'm convinced that was because I prayed probably more than I have ever before in my life and God made sure I didn't lose my mind! But it was a great experience because it showed me that I can take over the area if needed and gave me more confidence in myself, that I can Deutsch.

When I was with Sister Litster we knocked on some apartment doors and we asked one man if he knew someone who would have more interest in learning about Christ. He pointed across the hallway and said "maybe my neighbor" so we walked over and knocked and heard keys shaking and a key scratching the door and knew the door opened and an old woman opened. She had to be around 90 years old and was hunched over. Cutest old woman ever. She was almost all the way blind and told us that she was in a lot of pain. We bore our testimonies that Christ knows what she is feeling and that He is right beside her. We shared a video, only two minutes, that spoke of Christ and who He is for us. She started crying right there on the doorstep and the Holy Ghost was so powerful. I started tearing up and asked her if we could pray and so I said a prayer and before we left she grabbed both of our hands and said thank you with tears in her eyes. Wow. To think all we did was ask the man across the hall if he knew anyone and he was led to tell us to speak to her. I'm forever amazed  by how well God knows us because we are His children and how well Christ knows us because of His sacrifice. But it's a lot more than knowing, They love us with a perfect love and want what is best for us always.

So we decided it'd be a fun idea to put Nutella in pillsbury croissants in the oven and well hey would've have tasted even more amazing if we didn't burn them...but nevertheless they were Heavenly. We've gotten a lot better with making sure we have good food to eat, so tortillas and beans and rice...the Elders tell us we eat like poor people, but hey we got to save the money to buy Schokolade! 

Word of the week: unbedingt 
This word means absolutely. I absolutely know that I'm supposed to be here in Deutschland. The more I learn about the ward I'm in and the people around me the more I fall in love with this place and the people. The language I absolutely want to learn, yes it is hard, but I'm starting to like it:)
I absolutely think that there is nothing better I can do with my time than dedicate it to serving the Lord. Grateful jeden Tag for my Savior and for the relationship I have built upon with Him. He knows you all and I hope you can feel His love. I love how the Book of Mormon testifies of Him.

In Mosiah 14:3-5 it says
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
  5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Remember this when you are overwhelmed, when you are hurting, when you don't think anyone understands. He does! I know it for a fact! He has been through it all and is there for us at all times, we just need to reach out.

Andere Dinge
Sister T fell down the stairs, I mean like slid on her knees down the stairs, like she was playing an air guitar. We don't really know how it happened and her shoes were just chilling on the top stair. She's good now but does have some pretty gnarly bruises.
We walked 13 miles in 3 days.

The ward mission leader's daughter is really good with hair and did mine and sister T's on Sunday!

Liebe Grüße!
Sister Farner

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