Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Deustch was nich gut

This week was so long and so much happened I don't even know where to start.
Elder David A Bednar came on Sunday and wow that was amazing. He did a Q&A session with all of us and I cant even express how grateful I am for that meeting. I have been really focusing on becoming more Christ-like through turning to those in need instead of turning inwards. It's been hard especially when this don't go as planned or you feel sick from some weird meat you ate in the cafeteria. But when I taught an investigator with Sister Yeck and thought of how I had a headache and how I wasn't ready, I completely lost all German and didn't feel the Spirit. The next day we had TRC which is where we teach members a lesson and I decided to focus on the member and what they were saying and to see how I could better help them. I asked one how he has felt the Holy Ghost in his life and then he responded and asked me the same thing. I have never shared a personal experience in German before but I shared the time I prayed to know if I should go on a mission and sure my Deutsch was nich gut but I started crying because the Spirit was soooo strong and I could finally feel it coming through with the words I was speaking. I'm so lucky to have the Holy Ghost there to help the people I teach know what I am saying. 

Couple funny things
SO meine miterbeiter and I were in Choir on Tuesday and they videotape the people singing like in General Conference, and neither of us really can sing, but for some ridiculous reason they decided to focus on her and I for like 30 seconds and we can't look at the camera but I could see a glimpse of me on the big screen and was trying really hard to not mess up the words I was mouthing..hehehe.

My district has become too good of friends and my teachers have started to realize it. We can get so off track in lessons;  it's really a talent. But for how much we goof off, we make up for it at the end of the day. We do a testimony meeting every night and it's wonderful to see their testimonies be strengthened in so many different ways.

Oh ya another highlight, the GYM IS OPEN! Basketball is so gut but it stinks not being able to guard the elders or screen them or get near them. Rebounding is the funniest things because we will all jump up to get the ball and somehow avoid touching eachother. But there is also volleyball to which makes me sooooo excited because my feet aren't burning anymore from hot sand. What is the worst though is the line. I prayed for patience the other day and am really getting tested.

All the German sisters dress up the same and it was awesome! I felt like we were maids but we all have become better friends because of it hahah. 

Well I really have to go and I probably need to manage my email timing better

Love and miss you all! 
Sister  Farner

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