Sunday, July 17, 2016

Matching Montag

One Week and counting down and I can't believe how fast it has gone!
I've never been more frustrated and happy at the same time as I am now. But praying always makes everything better.
I never know what to start with when I email.
But thank you mom for the PACKAGE!!!!! Basically everyone in my district got a letter or a package and I was feeling better sad, I thought my familie forgot about me, but on Fritag I got one and it was the best thing of my life! DANKE DANKE DANKE. It's pretty funny how missionaries want packages so bad, I mean I definitely fell into that trap too....

Montag had to be the funniest tag ever. It was the tag that all the sleep, stress, you name it caught up with my district. We do a mini testimony meeting 30 min before we go back to our residence halls and we were all pretty tired. Sister Jackson asks a question in Deutsch to Elder Hughes who turns and looks at her with a straight faces says "I don't speak German" Honestly, I don't really think it's that funny anymore, but Elder Rothwell was like "that is the easiest phrase to say in Deutsch and you said it in Englisch" and laughs so much, but it was such a real laugh, he was basically crying and that is when we all started cracking up and after like 5 min Elder Hughes (still laughing) asks me to say the prayer. I get halfway through and pray for help learning Deutsch and then the laughter starts again and I quickly end the prayer. Then we have this super Spiritual Testimony meeting and people are brought to tears and all the while I am wondering how we could change that much in 15min. So komisch.
I ran into Hermana Parker and she got a picture on her camera so hopefully you guys will be able to see it! I also saw Elder Riley Openshaw from Boston on Wednesday! It was super cool! Can't believe he is already in the MTC! 
I invite you all to read 3 Nephi 17. We read it as a class and the Spirit was there so strong. I am so grateful for Jesus Christ and everything He has done for me, He is such an amazing example and I'm blessed to be able to wear His name on my tag. I know I wouldn't have gotten this far without Him and I can't wait to help others know of His Evangelium. 
Also on Montag, I started Matching Montag, which Sister Yeck kind of likes I guess, but I got her to wear a tshirt dress with me and it turns out a lot of other people in our zone wore them too!

I'm grateful for Sister Yeck and the patience she has with me. She really is the best. One night though we were praying before bed and she was thanking Gott for all the people in our District and she paused and said Elderen (thats what I thought) and she couldn't remember any of their names and we laughed again, we tried to conceal it the best we could but Sister Jackson and Shelley started laughing at us from the other side of the room. Good times. Love being here love the people love this Gospel. 
At lunch the other day, I was sitting next to Elder Wright and asked him if he ever tried to see how many grapes he could fit in his mouth, he said no so we both started putting grapes in our mouth...I got to 30 and he got 25 and started laughing....lets just say our district wasn't too happy to see grapes on our trays. I am maturing I promise. It's stress relief.
Remember that I love all of you and miss you too! But I couldn't imagine being anywhere else but here
Ich habe liebt fur sie
Sister Farner

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