Thursday, March 9, 2017


Hallo Leute,

Yes companion is still here!!! Yay and nein. She was supposed to leave on Monday and Sister Williams was supposed to come on Tuesday but Sis K's visa didn't come on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday and today we found out it's back at the consulate so maybe Sis K will leave tomorrow. Keine Ahnung but this week was interesting because we couldn't have our plans too set.
Saturday was a miracle, we set two baptismal dates and I recited the First Vision in English, I had some help there because wow, my English is rusty. But I'm so excited for Richard and Suzan and we talked to president that night and he said Sis K and I are a dynamite team. So maybe she will stay with me another Transfer...:))) who knows.  

Life is crazy at the moment. Sunday a man came to church who got a card from us a month ago and then decided to come to the address. Now the elders are teaching him! The little things really do make a big difference. You never know what will happen when you hand out a pass along card, but when you put that effort out there God has room to work miracles. 

Tuesday was spent helping the twins with their English homework. I mean I tried helping. Let's be honest;  I learned more about English than she did hahaha but it was so cool! Never imagined I'd be doing that ever in my life!
Missions are so amazing!!! Ah! Life is good and the Church is true! Never been so happy in my life! Ya it's hard sometimes, but hey that's what chocolate is for;)

Liebe Grüße

Sister Farner

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